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Unknown silence from Kyoto

アンノウン サイレンス これまで自身でレーベルを立ち上げ「武満徹ソングブック」「No Nukes Jazz Orchestra」など、数々の良質な音楽を産み出し高い評価を得てきた音楽家・沢田穣治が、2020年、さらなる高みを目指し新レーベルを立ち上げる。
その名は「アンノウン サイレンス(Unknown Silence)」。


琵琶湖畔を臨むstudio BOSCOにてスタジオ主宰のエンジニア森 崇氏の描き出す音の質感を大切に、アメリカのNONESUCH、ドイツのECM をマイルストーンとしながら、音楽家でありオーナーである沢田が理想とするレーベル・イメージを明確化したラインナップを展開する。

Unknown Silence

Musician Jyoji Sawada, who launched his own label known for its highly regarded output such as “Toru Takemitsu Songbook” and “No Nukes Jazz Orchestra” and has become widely admired for his first-rate production skills on a broad range of musical projects, will set up a new label aiming even higher in 2020.
The new label’s name is “Unknown Silence”


Having these four concepts as its motto and based in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, where John Cage once discovered sound in “Silence” “Sound” never heard before will be transmitted from Japan to the world.
At Bosco Studio, which is located on the shores of Lake Biwa,
with the much valued textural sound quality, created by the expertise of studio engineer Takashi Mori and having America’s NONESUCH and Germany’s ECM as a model,
a lineup that clarifies the ideal label and image by musician and label owner Jyoji Sawada will be developed.


Copyright ©︎ 2020- Unknown Silence Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Top image : Takashi Mori , Jyoji Sawada

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